Until recently, inviting patients to participate in medical conferences was unheard of, and today, it is still not systematic. Yet, it is essential for the physician and patient to examine the way forward together, in a setting where such an exchange is the focus….; ideally, a setting of equal partnership, in which patient and professional can each bring their experience to bear.
From our experience in inviting patients to speak at Doctors 2.0 & You, there were obvious benefits. The patient keynotes brought to life, for other healthcare stakeholders, the patient experience. Expressing their own story on the stage as an equal, in the words of certain patient speakers, helped them as much as their treatments. And finally, patient innovators are contributing to the advancement of digital health, organizing social media communities, developing mobile applications and connected objects…launching start-ups…
And that is why the concept of the “patient-included charter” for conferences is of interest. The “Patient-Included” charter presents the five components of a patient-included event.
- Patients or caregivers participate in the design of the event, (selection of topics and speakers.)
- Patients or caregivers participate in the physical event.
- Travel and accommodation expenses for patients or carers are paid in advance.
- Disability requirements of participants are accommodated. All applicable sessions are open to patient delegates.
- Access for virtual participants is facilitated, with free streaming video wherever possible.
Interested in discussing the patient participation at your next event? Contact Denise Silber.